Six Pinecrest High School students were confirmed as recipients of the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme diploma this summer.
This specialized program of study offers high quality programmes of international education to a worldwide community of schools. The IB programme helps develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.
IB diploma recipients for 2009 from Pinecrest High school are Meredith Potter, Josh Seidenberg, Kate Stone, Doug Tableman, Nicole Tremblay and Morgan Zoellner.
In addition to meeting North Carolina high school graduation requirements, these students completed six IB subjects along with Theory of Knowledge, wrote a 4,000 word extended essay and completed 150 hours of CAS (Creativity, Action and Service).
They sit for one to three exams for each course and also complete internal assessments throughout the year. These include math projects and portfolios, world literature papers, historical investigations, an extensive scientific lab portfolio, oral commentaries, oral presentations in a foreign language, visual art portfolios and interviews, musical performances and musical investigations, and psychological studies. They earned at least the minimum number of required points overall in order to be awarded an IB Diploma.
Of the six recipients, two are attending UNC-Chapel Hill. Others are attending Amherst College, Davidson University, William and Mary College and Yale University.
IB provides schools with a common pre-university curriculum, a common set of external examinations and a diploma recognized by universities around the world.
“These students are to be commended for this accomplishment,” said Superintendent Dr. Susan Purser. “The decision they made to undertake this rigorous course of study will serve them well in future educational endeavors and throughout their lives.”