Whether you have made your home here for years and have older children in school or are just finding your way in a new town with a young family, you are certain to benefit from a group of peers.
Other Means of Support
FirstHealth in Moore County offers support groups and programs focused on healthy living. The Breast Feeding Mothers Support Group meets monthly at Moore Regional Hospital. Other programs, such as the “Important Issues in Parenting Teens” series, also are available to parents. Topics covered in this particular series include reclaiming routines after school breaks, following house rules, saying no to your teen, working and communicating with teachers, and technology risks and usage monitoring – all extremely relevant to parents of today’s teens and tweens.
Additionally, churches in the area host support groups and activities during the day and evening, including for military families of deployed soldiers. Several churches even offer parents’ nights out events that provide free childcare so you and your spouse can enjoy some alone time over a good meal or movie.
Here are a few parent groups. If you find more we should list please contact us: