Dixie Youth Baseball Program:
Age as of May 1, 2016
**If you have not participated in any Moore County Athletics before, Proof of age is required**
9 year old Baseball, 10 year old Baseball, & 11-12 year old O-Zone Baseball
Evaluation Date for 11-12 Baseball: Monday, March 1st, 2016 at 6pm, Hillcrest Park Field #1
Registration Deadline: February 12, 2016
Cost: $30 ($40 if space available after deadline)
9 year old Baseball and 10 year old Baseball
Pitching distance is forty-three (43) feet in our 9 yr old baseball program and forty-six (46) feet in our 10 yr old baseball program. Sixty (60) feet bases and players cannot steal bases until ball reaches home plate. All bats (2 ¼ inch barrel) used in league play must be on the 2016 Approved bat List. Games will be played on Monday, Tuesday, alternate some Wednesdays, and Thursdays at Hillcrest Park.
11-12 year old O-Zone Baseball
In this league teams will be formed using a draft procedure. All players will be evaluated and drafted to a team. Evaluation date is Monday, March 1st, 2016 at 6pm
All practices will be weekdays at Hillcrest Park. Games will be played on Monday, Tuesday, alternate some Wednesdays, and Thursday unless inclement weather cause teams to play on a different day.
O-Zone rules: Pitching Distance is fifty (50) feet. Pitchers are limited to six (6) innings pitched per week. Pitchers pitching four (4) or more innings must have thirty-six (36) hours rest before being allowed to pitch again. Base runners may attempt to steal at anytime. Pitchers will be called for “Balks” and may attempt to pick runners off of bases. Bases will be set at seventy (70) feet. Big barrel bats with a length not to exceed 33 inches and a barrel diameter no more than 2 5/8 inches are approved for play in the O-Zone league. 2 ¼ inch barrel bats can be used in the O-Zone league but must be on the 2016 Approved Bat List for Dixie Youth Baseball.
Dixie Youth Baseball Approved Bat List can be located at www.dixie.org under Rules
If you have any questions call Jim Rogers at 910-947-4491 or Tony Kirk at 910-947-4494
5-6 T-Ball (Co-Ed) and
7-8 Coach Pitch Baseball/Softball
Age as of May 1, 2016
** If you have not participated in Moore County Athletics before, Proof of age is required**
7-8 Coach Pitch Baseball
7-8 Coach Pitch Softball
Registration Deadline: April 29th, 2016
Cost: $25 ($35 if space available after deadline)
** It is the primary goal of these programs to develop good sportsmanship attitudes in all participants**
Practices to begin Middle of May – Coach will call with date & time
5-6 T-Ball
Players are introduced to the game of Baseball with priority towards fundamentals and Sportsmanship. Teams use a continuous batting order and every player plays in the field on defense. Games are played using a T-Ball which is a safety baseball.
7-8 Coach Pitch Baseball & Softball
Coaches pitch to the players and the players are taught fundamentals and sportsmanship. Teams use a continuous batting order, play six infielders and five outfielders on defense.
For more information call Jim Rogers at 910-947-4491 or Tony Kirk at 910-947-4494.
Fast Pitch Softball
- Leagues are for ages 9-10, 11-12, and 13-15
- Age is determined as of January 1st of current year
- Registration deadline is Friday, February 12, 2016
- Fee: $30 Late fee: $10 after deadline if space is available
- All games will be played at Hillcrest Park
- Game times will be 5:45pm and 7:30pm and will be played on Monday, Tuesday, alternate some Wednesdays, and Thursday at Hillcrest Park
- Persons interested in volunteer coaching please visit our web-site or call MCPR office for information.
7-8 Coach Pitch Softball
Age as of May 1, 2016
** If you have not participated in Moore County Athletics before, Proof of age is required**
7-8 Coach Pitch Baseball
7-8 Coach Pitch Softball
Registration Deadline: April 29th, 2016
Cost: $25 ($35 if space available after deadline)
** It is the primary goal of these programs to develop good sportsmanship attitudes in all participants**
Practices to begin Middle of May – Coach will call with date & time
5-6 T-Ball
Players are introduced to the game of Baseball with priority towards fundamentals and Sportsmanship. Teams use a continuous batting order and every player plays in the field on defense. Games are played using a T-Ball which is a safety baseball.
7-8 Coach Pitch Baseball & Softball
Coaches pitch to the players and the players are taught fundamentals and sportsmanship. Teams use a continuous batting order, play six infielders and five outfielders on defense.
For more information call Jim Rogers at 910-947-4491 or Tony Kirk at 910-947-4494.