Press Release from Animal Advocates of Moore County.
This one year old Border Collie has been named MERCY by Animal Advocates and that is what she needs…MERCY. A woman carried this bleeding dog into the Raeford Animal Health Clinic with a horrible story to tell. Someone came into her yard and surgically sliced the tops of this puppy’s feet off. We can imagine the pain this puppy suffered and the terror she experienced.
If you think this is rare or unusual… Satanic groups of teenagers have been doing this for at least ten years. The group’s goal for initiation is to skin the dog or cat alive, but who ever started this vicious attack was either scared off or could not complete the act.. Although the woman dearly loved the puppy and had taken excellent care of the dog, she wanted to relinquish the pup out of fear that the perpetrators would return to harm or kill her dog. In other words she handed over the puppy out of love.
AAMC now has possession of the dog and will tend to its wounds daily. Please forward and cross post this email so that others in Raeford may be aware of what is going on and take measures to protect their animals from torture. Maureen authormaggie@pinehurst.net